Beyond blinky lights: A bicycle lane you bring with you

Beyond blinky lights: A bicycle lane you bring with you

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Triathlon, Cycling, and More in Peoria, IL

A little research and uncovered that the Peoria area isn't the best for cycling, but that doesn't mean there aren't folks out there doing it!

Peoria Triathlon Club:

Welcome to Illinois Valley Wheelm'n:
Peoria Bicycle Club:
Peoria Area Mountain Bike Association (PAMBA):
Illinois Trail Map:
Wikipedia - Rock Island State Park:
Rock Island Trail:
Pimiteoui Trail:

This appears to be one route to get to the Rock Island Trailhead:

View Larger Map

Support the Bicycle Commuter Act! Send a (ready-made) letter!

Fellow Cyclists,

The Bicycle Commuter Act has been reintroduced in both houses of the US Congress. This legislation would provide bicycle commuters with tax benefits similar to those enjoyed by transit riders.

The League of American Bicyclists (LAB) has provided a web page with ready-made, editable letters of support:

All you have to do is enter your name, addresss, and zip code, and a letter will automatically be sent to your congressman and senators. You may edit the letters or write your own if you wish.

Please take a moment to do this.

Also, please forward this information to other listservs, newsgroups, and web forums.

Thank you for your support!