I Did It! A 5X week!

X marks the spot. Today the spot is a 5x accomplishment!

I did something today that I haven't done since June 2007. (Man, that was long ago.) I managed to get in 5x of workouts this week. Even better than that is that 4 of the 5 workouts were 45 minutes or longer!

It may not be a big deal to you, but it's quite an accomplishment for me given how demanding school has been. My exams, papers, and finals are finally over and I'm right back on track. All semester long I've been keeping a 3x a week workout schedule consisting mostly of 45-minute sessions of spinning, swimming, or jogging. It's not been enough to stop weight gain, but it's been enough to maintain my cardio. With school winding down significantly (I no longer have to take 3 hard courses at the same time! I'm down to one class this Spring, Summer, and Fall and I'm DONE with courses! OH, YEAH!) In the spirit of this newfound time, my overall goal for this year and part of the next is to actually lose weight over the holidays--and I think I can do it!

I'm starting out next week with a 1.5 hour long spinning class. I have to admit, I feel really good about all of this, but oh-my-goodness, am I tired. I need a nap. :)