RUN Week 1, Friday 11/11 - Swim

"Cold air, cold toes, cold water, small towel."


City, State: Chico, CA

Location: Chico Sports Club

Course: Pool

Terrain: 25 yards, 80 degrees

Distance and/or Time: 1800 yards, 1 hour 15 minutes

Speed or RPE: 5 (somewhat hard)

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Swim

  • 6 x 100 yards - freestyle easy.

  • 4 x 150 yards - 25 freestyle right, 25 freestyle left, 25 kick right, 50 catch-up, 25 kick left.

  • 4 x 150 yards - 50 butterfly kick, 50 freestyle easy, 50 butterfly kick.


  • Upshot: Solid, smooth, and calm during the swim.

  • Downside: Was dragging myself to go!

  • What I'm most proud of: My form today. Long, lean, and gliding. Nice.

  • What I would do differently: Get more sleep the night before. Going to bed at 11pm is too late.


My alarm went off and I knowingly turned it off. I rested for what felt like mere minutes before my cell began ringing and Sam's text read, "So are we going swimming, or what? Text me when you leave your house." Argh. How did an hour go by? Sheesh. I got up, got dressed in the most comfortable of sweats, and headed out to pick her up. Damn, some mornings I DREAD swimming. I didn't want to swim today. Even the coach gave us some (good-natured) sh!t about being late.

Cold air, cold toes, cold water, small towel. He began barking swim orders and like always, I can't understand them. It's always too early for me. I can hardly count. In fact, when swimming, I can't count. I just play Simon says to pacing with Sam. In the end, I'm really glad I went. The tightness in my back and shoulders is now gone. I managed to get in about 1800 yards. Not bad for someone not wanting to swim at all today. It even made my slight headache go away. Now, all I need is a nap!